Aging in Place
Aging in place requires an examination of different aspects of life beyond housing: health and wellness, finances, transportation and social relationships.
Create a comprehensive Aging in Place plan, with consideration of your current and future potential needs, and pre-planning for changes.

Health Care
Older adults may have difficulty navigating the health care system due to challenges in communicating with their provider, understanding their diagnoses and treatment plan, or deciding on treatment options when overwhelmed with choices.
Provide resources to prepare Advance Directive, Health Care Power of Attorney, Five Wishes and other documents. Serving as a patient advocate:
- Accompany to appointments to ensure the continuity of information and encourage compliance with instructions.
- Serve as a bridge in communication between the patient, healthcare providers and designated family/caregivers.
- Implement a system to keep track of specialists, tests, medications, & treatments received.

Older adults are often caught without the essential documents needed in an emergency. It is important to know where the official records are located as well as having copies of these important financial, legal and health documents.
Copy documents onto an encrypted thumb drive and assemble copies into a binder. Educate you on how to use the tool and secure your information.

Transitions in life or work, i.e. retirement, loss of relationships, relocation etc., can be emotionally challenging.
Using a simple visual goal-setting process to guide you in exploring new roles and interests, which may result in a renewed sense of meaning and purpose.

Social Isolation
Social contacts tend to decrease as we age for a variety of reasons. Older adults who are socially isolated are at greater risk of depression, chronic illness, and death.
Identify personal and community supports. Assist in accessing community-based programs and services to keep you engaged and connected.